Bach Flowers Book - Treat yourself with Bach Flowers
Bach Flower Book - Heal Yourself - The Twelve Healers (second edition)
Second edition of "The Bach Flowers" by Edward Bach
Bach Flower Remedies - Heal Yourself - The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies by Edward Bach
Collection of Bach's fundamental texts "Heal Thyself" and "The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies", translated in full from the original. The texts were written by the author in a simple language understandable to anyone. This new Italian translation aims to be as faithful as possible to Bach's thoughts: the descriptions of the flowers also report the original text in English. A useful table has been included in this work which describes the relationships between the remedies, according to Bach's initial classification, retracing the stages of publication of the various texts, up to the final complete edition of all 38 remedies, in 1936.
Second edition of "The Bach Flowers" by Edward Bach
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