Arizona Desert Compound Formula - Single Mother's Formula 10 ml
Desert Alchemy Flower Essences
Arizona Desert Compound Formula - Anchor Manifestation 10 ml
Create and manifest every idea and project. Confidence and determination.
This formula contains: Evening Star, Periwinkle, Spanish Bayonet Yucca.
The formula helps manifest the spirit with the body and ideation with realization. It facilitates the process of material manifestation of every idea and project we have in our mind. Use Connecting with Purpose Formula if you don't yet know what you want in life or what projects to undertake, and Creativity Formula for help in the ideation stage. Anchor Manifestation gives rooting and full presence in the physical reality of the body and the Earth, and allows you to materialize and make real everything that you are unable to manifest also due to fear and lack of inner strength.
To materialize and manifest every idea and project. It gives rooting and connection to the Earth and allows everything we intend to create to be made real and material.
In acute cases, take the essence from the stock sales bottle. For all other situations, dilute 4 stock drops in a 30 ml dropper bottle filled 3/4 with water and 1/4 with brandy. Shake the mixture slightly and take 4 drops under the tongue up to 4 times a day. Or add 4 drops of essence in a glass of water to sip throughout the day. Increase or decrease the intake depending on your personal sensitivity to flower essences. Keep away from electromagnetic sources, TV, cell phones, computers…
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