Arizona Desert Compound Formula - Universe Handles The Details Formula 10 ml

Arizona Desert Compound Formula - Universe Handles The Details Formula 10 ml

Arizona Desert Compound Formula - Universe Handles The Details Formula 10 ml

Acceptance and trust in the gifts of the universe.

This formula contains: Desert Broom, Wolfberry.

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The formula is useful for those who tend to plan the details of their lives too much, to control things, to always imagine the reverse side of every situation so as not to be caught by sudden details. This attitude, if excessive, can block other possibilities that we are unable to grasp and the manifestation of what is best for us. The formula helps us to see the perfection of every moment and to cultivate trust in the infinite possibilities of the Universe, thus allowing us to let ourselves go with the flow, without posing or imposing an overly constrained form. It gives the joy of letting go and allows us to eliminate the attitude of overload, heaviness and struggle that weaken our path.


Suitable for those who plan the details of their life too much and have control over everything that happens. To learn to let go and cultivate trust in the possibilities of the universe.


In acute cases, take the essence from the stock sales bottle. For all other situations, dilute 4 stock drops in a 30 ml bottle with dropper, filled 3/4 with water and 1/4 with brandy. Shake the mixture slightly and take 4 drops under the tongue, up to 4 times a day. Or add 4 drops of essence in a glass of water to sip throughout the day. Increase or decrease the intake depending on your personal sensitivity to flower essences. Keep away from electromagnetic sources, TV, cell phones, computers.

37 Items

Acceptance and trust in the gifts of the universe.

This formula contains: Desert Broom, Wolfberry.

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