Single Essences Australian Bush - Fringed Violet 15 ml

Fringed Violet 15ml
Single Essences Australian Bush - Fringed Violet 15 ml
Fringed Violet 15ml
Single Essences Australian Bush - Fringed Violet 15 ml

Single Essences Australian Bush - Fringed Violet 15 ml

Thysanotus tuberosus.

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Quantity: 15ml

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Negative condition
• damage to the aura
• worry
• lack of psychological protection

Positive development
• elimination of the effects of recent or ancient painful events
• healing of the aura
• psychic protection


Let's look at this flower: it has some elements that resemble hair, therefore leading back to the Aura. And in fact, its essence mainly cures the lacerations of the Aura, which occur following a shock or trauma (abandonment by a partner, bad news, unexpected events and, last but not least, electromagnetic radiation, known for the impoverishment that produce to the detriment of our vitality; in the latter case, it is recommended to combine Fringed Violet with Crowea, Warath, Paw Paw, Bush Fuchsia).

Even shock caused by sexual assaults can be cured by this flower, combining its essence with those of Flannel Flower (for males) and Wisteria (for females). Used with Gray Spider Flower, the essence is beneficial to our psyche, protecting it from negative energies. Immediately after birth, the newborn's aura is torn, and, thanks to the use of Fringed Violet, it will close to the negative influences that, as we know, can enter from here. The essence is also useful in the case of surgical interventions involving amputations or in any case if the patient has phantom limb syndrome: thanks to Fringed Violet, the Aura will also recompose around the space left by the amputated limb, therefore returning intact.

For states of shock, remember that using this essence means recovering faster. Likewise, recovery is fast even using the Emergency Essence, of which Fringed Violet is a component. Shocks and traumas, even after some time, can manifest themselves physically with skin rashes or eczema. Generally, it is believed that these physical manifestations of the discomfort caused by the trauma become evident even after about a year/a year and a half, also causing depression: Fringed Violet identifies the moment in which the trauma occurred, if it was not consciously perceived by the patient, and helps to neutralize it.

The essence is also used in iridology for pupils that are different from each other, or dilated etc., and is also an excellent remedy for those who feel drained or too influenced by others. In hypnosis, Fringed Violet helps the therapist bring the patient back to the present and during regression sessions it helps resolve the trauma of birth.


Fill a 30 ml dropper bottle 3/4 of the volume with water and 1/4 with brandy. Add 7 drops of each floral essence chosen from the stock sales bottle. Take 7 drops of the prepared dosage under the tongue, 2 times a day. Keep away from electromagnetic sources such as TV, cell phones, computers.

18 Items

Thysanotus tuberosus.

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