Single Essences Australian Bush - Southern Cross 15 ml

Southern Cross 15ml
Single Essences Australian Bush - Southern Cross 15 ml
Southern Cross 15ml
Single Essences Australian Bush - Southern Cross 15 ml

Single Essences Australian Bush - Southern Cross 15 ml

Xanthosia rotundifolia

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Negative condition
• victimhood
• complaints
• bitterness

Positive development
• responsibility
• positivity
• awareness


Southern Cross refers to resentment and self-pity. The Southern Cross type believes in the randomness of events and that you cannot control your life. They generate a large negative charge around themselves. Even through this essence, it is important that these people understand that every experience brings with it a lesson. Once they understand this concept, they will identify what direction to take in their lives and it will provide them with the strength to help others make the same change as them. The action of Southern Cross is enhanced when combined with Sunshine Wattle.


Fill a 30 ml dropper bottle 3/4 of the volume with water and 1/4 with brandy. Add 7 drops of each floral essence chosen from the stock sales bottle. Take 7 drops of the prepared dosage under the tongue, 2 times a day. Keep away from electromagnetic sources such as TV, cell phones, computers.

14 Items

Xanthosia rotundifolia

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