Single Essences Australian Bush - Sunshine Wattle 15 ml

Sunshine Wattle 15ml
Single Essences Australian Bush - Sunshine Wattle 15 ml
Sunshine Wattle 15ml
Single Essences Australian Bush - Sunshine Wattle 15 ml

Single Essences Australian Bush - Sunshine Wattle 15 ml

Acacia terminalis

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Negative condition
• be stuck in the past
• expectation of a dark future
• struggle

Positive development
• optimism
• acceptance of the beauty and joy of the present
• openness to a bright future


For people who have had a difficult past and are stuck in it; they transfer their negative experiences from the past into the present. We have a dark vision of life, made up only of contrasts. In positive development these people will see the beauty, joy and enthusiasm of the present and look forward to the future with optimism.

For those who continually think of happy times in the past, Sundew is more appropriate than Sunshine Wattle, which is more suitable for those who remember the past as an unhappy time. This remedy is combined with Bush Iris in case of SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder).TALL MULLA MULLA Ptilotus helipteroides


Fill a 30 ml dropper bottle 3/4 of the volume with water and 1/4 with brandy. Add 7 drops of each floral essence chosen from the stock sales bottle. Take 7 drops of the prepared dosage under the tongue, 2 times a day. Keep away from electromagnetic sources such as TV, cell phones, computers

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Acacia terminalis

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