Single Essences Australian Bush - Tall Yellow Top 15 ml

Tall Yellow Top 15ml
Single Essences Australian Bush - Tall Yellow Top 15 ml
Tall Yellow Top 15ml
Single Essences Australian Bush - Tall Yellow Top 15 ml

Single Essences Australian Bush - Tall Yellow Top 15 ml

Senecio magnificus

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Negative condition
• alienation
• loneliness

Positive development
• sense of belonging
• knowing you are “at home”


This essence is for alienation. There is a lack of feeling of connection or sense of belonging to family, workplace, country, self, etc. Since many people have been in this condition for a long time, one must take Tall Yellow Top for quite long periods, sometimes up to 6-8 weeks, without interruption.

Tall Yellow Top is useful for lack of love because it helps to reunite the emotional and cognitive spheres. Normally the states mentioned above can be traced back to very negative experiences, even experienced at a young age, such as abandonment. Therefore it is an essence that is used for the less fortunate homeless, without homeland and roots, who often use drugs to escape from these desperate conditions. Very good results have been obtained in treatments against depression, against which Warath and Kapok Bush can be combined.


Fill a 30 ml dropper bottle 3/4 of the volume with water and 1/4 with brandy. Add 7 drops of each floral essence chosen from the stock sales bottle. Take 7 drops of the prepared dosage under the tongue, 2 times a day. Keep away from electromagnetic sources such as TV, cell phones, computers.

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Senecio magnificus

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