Single Essences Australian Bush - Turkey Bush 15 ml

Tall Yellow Top 15ml
Single Essences Australian Bush - Turkey Bush 15 ml
Tall Yellow Top 15ml
Single Essences Australian Bush - Turkey Bush 15 ml

Single Essences Australian Bush - Turkey Bush 15 ml

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Negative condition
• creativity block

Positive development

• inspired creativity
• concentration


We prepared this essence in the Katherine Gorge, at the tip of Australia. This region contains the oldest known works of art, Aboriginal rock paintings. It is fitting that this essence was prepared in this region, as it is suitable for creativity. It is for both the beginner and the artist.

Turkey Bush helps you tune into your Higher Self and overcome creative blocks and discouragement. This essence instills the desire to express oneself and lets creativity flow. Turkey Bush is also used on a physical level, in case of infertility or other problems with the uterus, which however affect the ability to generate. In these cases it can also be associated with She Oak.


Fill a 30 ml dropper bottle 3/4 of the volume with water and 1/4 with brandy. Add 7 drops of each floral essence chosen from the stock sales bottle. Take 7 drops of the prepared dosage under the tongue, 2 times a day. Keep away from electromagnetic sources such as TV, cell phones, computers.

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