Australian Living Cream - Accident Relief
Living Essences
Australian Living Single Essence - Purple Enamel Orchid (Elythranthera brunonis) 15 ml
Fluctuating phases of energy. Refreshment of energy balance and vitality.
This essence is useful for those who alternate great phases of dynamism with equally long phases of apathy and exhaustion of energy or for those who believe they are not doing enough and then end up overloading themselves with an infinite amount of work. Its healing energy helps to control and make good use of Qi, our vital energy and teaches us tenacity and regularity in carrying out our daily commitments. Only in this way will it be possible to achieve excellent results without creating negative effects on the body and mind.
Suitable for those who alternate great phases of dynamism with others of apathy, exhaustion of energy and tiredness at work. To make good use of energy and manage it with tenacity and regularity in carrying out our daily commitments.
Dilute the essence in a 25/30 ml dropper bottle with half water and half brandy, apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin as preservatives. Add: _up to 70 drops of stock essence for physical problems _40 drops if the emotion to be treated presents itself in a very evident and violent way _20/10 drops if the emotion presents itself in a more delicate way _3 drops for milder problems that create minor inconveniences Shake the mixture well before each intake and take one drop under the tongue 6 times a day. Or dilute 6 drops of stock essence in half a glass of water to sip in the morning, afternoon or evening. Keep away from radiation and electromagnetic sources such as TV, radio, computers, cell phones...
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