Single Essence Tibetan Waters Cristalmantra - Tiger's Eye 15 ml

Single Essence Tibetan Waters Cristalmantra - Tiger's Eye 15 ml

Single Essence Tibetan Waters Cristalmantra - Tiger's Eye 15 ml


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Emotional : joy of living, reinforces artistic and creative abilities and the desire to use them. Important for kids who have to make important choices for their future. It allows us to listen to our deepest needs in such a way as to find activities that make us alive and full of satisfaction.


For problems especially on a physical level, take the concentrated pure essence: 4 drops sublingually up to 4 times a day. Check the chosen product and the body's physical response every 15/20 days.

For issues to be addressed on an emotional and spiritual level, dilute as follows: choose from 1 to 3 essences, fill a 30 ml dropper bottle with 2/3 water and 1/3 brandy.
Add the following number of drops for each essence:

  • -for recent problems, up to one year of age, 1 drop
  • -older problems, 2 drops
  • -for problems from childhood, 3 drops
  • -for karmic problems of the soul, 4/5 or more

Cleaning environments: To purify and regenerate the energy of environments, take a spray bottle, fill it with water and ten drops of pure essence, and spray once a day.

For external use on the body: to use the essence on the body or on the aura, put a few drops in a hand and then pass it on the part to be balanced, one or more times a day, in direct contact with the skin or a few centimeters from the body to rebalance the energy field.

Keep away from electromagnetic sources such as TV, cell phones, computers.

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