DEVA Single Essence - Ajonc (Gorse) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
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DEVA Single Essence - Ajonc (Gorse) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Alene (Scleranthus) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Amandier (Prunus amygdalus) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Betoine (Stachys officinalis) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Calendula (Calendula officinalis) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Chélidoine (Chelidonium maius) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Chevrefeuille (Honeysuckle) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Chicoree (Chicory) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Clematite (Clematis) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Coquelicot de Californie (Escholzia californica) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Erable (Acer campestre) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Houx (Holly) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Meleze (Larch) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Molène (Verbascum thapsus) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Mouron des champs (Anagallis arvensis) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Passionflower (Passiflora sp) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
DEVA Single Essence - Saule (Willow) 10 ml
Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
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Laboratoire DEVA
Natur selects only the best of flower therapy from around the world.
Spiritual Remedies offers a wide range of flower remedies and counts among its suppliers the most prestigious houses in the world. It offers wholesome, potent and excellent quality vibrational remedies that help the potentialities held within each of us to blossom with kindness.
The choice of raw materials derives from natural elements collected in full respect of their environment. The production processes are carried out according to the highest quality standards. The entire production chain is subjected to scrupulous checks to ensure the highest quality of the products.
Classic and contemporary essences.
The repertoire of DEVA Flower Essences is made up of Dr. Bach's 38 English classic essences and 96 new essences resulting from DEVA research since 1986.
The subdivision of the 96 new essences, which are proposed in 9 different emotional themes , is the precious peculiarity of this repertoire:
Presence: Capucine, Carotte sauvage, Citronnier, Euphraise, Ipomée, Menthe poivrée, Pâquerette, Pastèque, Romarin, Sauge, Amandier, Abricotier.
Courage: Angélique, Millepertuis, Mimulus écarlate, Mimulus orangé, Rudbeckia, Ail sauvage.
Autonomy: Alchemille commune, Buis, Cœur de marie, Lotus, Maïs doux, Mauve, Muguet, Myosotis, Pêcher, Pétunia, Rhododendron, Tabacum, Tilleul, Violette des bois, Alchemille argentée, Aubépine.
Trust: Arnica, Bourrache, Brunelle, Camomille, Cerisier sauvage, Échinacée, Épilobe, Frêne, Fuchsia, Hysope, Jasmin, Lilas, Mimosa, Oignon, Oranger, Perce-neige, Pissenlit, Poirier, Sureau noir, Valériane, Amarante, Aneth.
Wellness for others: Consoude, Épicéa, Figuier, Lavande, Lis martagon, Nénuphar blanc, Passiflore, Bistorte.
Communication: Chélidoine, Cosmos, Gueule de loup, Ortie, Zinnia, Calendula.
Creativity: Bouleau, Bouton d'or, Cayenne, Cognassier, Coquelicot de Californie, Courgette, Edelweiss, Érable, Eucalyptus, Genêt, Grenadier, Iris, Molène, Mouron des champs, Mûre sauvage, Tanaisie, Tournesol.
Emotional protection: Pensée, Trèfle rouge, Achillée blanche, Achillée jaune, Achillée rose, Menthe pouliot.
Intimacy: Bétoine, Hibiscus, Basilic.
Most of the essences are prepared with plants and wild flowers that come from Vercors, the Massif Central or the Mediterranean basin.
The collection areas are carefully selected by DEVA preparers-gatherers (botanists or plant specialists).
All essences are certified BIO and prepared according to the original method of Dr. Bach.