Natur Mix - Light and Harmony! 30ml
Natur Mix
Natur Mix - Breathe! 30ml
A mix to relieve the negative symptoms of allergies and allergic reactions.
It brings back the right vitality to face the daily routine and reconciles the mind with the emotions.
Macrozamia, Cawslip orchid, Cape bluebell, Sulfur, Yarrow Environmental Solution, Saint John's Wort, Crab Apple, Impatients, Star of Bethlehem.
Macrozamia ( Living Australian Essences) - This essence helps restore balance to the sex chakra, helps to free the mind from stereotypes and dogmas regarding male and female and promote union between the sexes. Recommended for those who consider themselves worthless, for those who suffer from frigidity or impotence, for those who are sexually inhibited or find it difficult to open up on an emotional and/or sexual level. Macromacy allows you to dissolve any blockages, to make vital energy flow and to enrich man-woman polarities. The reconciliation of opposites is a great challenge. Body - indications: for all imbalances connected to the sexual organs and their functions. Reduces fluid retention and swelling.
Cawslip orchid ( Living Australian Essences ) - When you feel mentally tired and sluggish, the Monday morning feeling lingers throughout the week, you feel dry and without any momentum. By taking this remedy you find freshness and liveliness, you escape from routine and open yourself up to new things.
Cape Bluebell ( Living Australian Essences ) - Cape Bluebell is especially good for feelings of jealousy, envy and bitterness. Useful for those who resent the happiness of others, and believe it is unfair not to have been as lucky, or for those who have not been able to realize their own aspirations and desires and therefore cannot free themselves from feelings of bitterness. This essence allows you to resolve and bring clarity to past problems and to accept your path. It gives us a new joy of living and a new way of meeting others and building relationships of love and purity. Body: indications Counteracts toxicity and infections. It also fights one of the underlying causes of arthritis and pathologies that cause stiffening of the body.
Sulfur (Tibetan Waters Cristalmantra) - Detoxification. Allergies. States of confusion and shock. Physical: detoxifies the body, especially the liver. Even after surgical operations to eliminate anesthesia. Epilepsy, take it even if you are taking other medications. Allergies of any kind. Emotional: very intense negative emotional states, sudden scares, stuttering after a strong fear. States of confusion and shock. Environment: for homes where there are common bistics it is very useful to spray it, diluting it in water.
Yarrow Environmental Solution (Flower Essence Services) - Formula composed of the flower essences of Yarrow, Pink Yarrow, Golden Yarrow, Arnica and Echinacea plus the herb tincture of Yarrow and Echinacea, in a base of salted sea water and brandy. This formula acts as a protective shield by mending the layer of vital energy that surrounds our body and putting into action the powerful revitalizing and restorative properties of the floral essences it is made of. It is useful for protecting from all forms of external energy, from radiation, from toxic influences of the environment and for those who tend to excessively absorb the emotions, mental and physical states of others, losing their own inner centering and stability.
The floral essences of the YES formula encourage a healthy sense of Self, giving integrity and protection and the Arnica and Echinacea tinctures, synergistically with the essences, strengthen the immune system.
This remedy is indicated not only for direct exposure to nuclear emissions, but also for the many ways in which radiation and other highly toxic forms of aberrant energy poison the modern world. These include video terminals, televisions, x-rays, radiotherapy, high-altitude radiation, airport control systems and electromagnetic fields.
Saint John's Wort ( Flower Essence Services ) - This essence is suitable for those who are very sensitive to light, burn easily in the sun and are sensitive to many forms of stress caused by the environment, especially allergies. It also helps those who suffer from seasonal depression caused by light deprivation. Saint John's Worth is also suitable for those who, during sleep, have a very active psychic life in which the astral body expands and loses contact with the physical and etheric body. The most common symptoms are nightmares, excessive night sweats, or incontinence. The essence of this flower has wonderful healing powers, and gives strength and protection when the individual is in a state of excessive expansion and wakes up in the morning even more tired.
Crab Apple ( Healing Herbs ) - The Crab Apple personality has difficulty accepting imperfections on both the physical, material and spiritual levels, and often needs to keep their environment, their body, and their interiority spotless and clean because they have the feeling of being dirty. Very often he has difficulty in highly earthly manifestations such as sexual activity or becomes disgusted with himself due to skin rashes, sweaty feet or pimples, sometimes to the point of exasperation. We are afraid of bacteria and wash ourselves constantly. In the positive state we free ourselves from the need for purification and excessive cleansing.
Impatiens ( Healing Herbs ) - Impatiens is indicated for impatience, irritation, nervous tension of those who have a tendency to run faster than life. Useful for those who are constantly on the move, for those who take words out of others' mouths out of impatience, for those who tremble with frenzy when waiting in line, for those who cannot wait for the normal course of events and always tend to want to anticipate everything. The vibratory essence of this flower allows you to develop patience, calm, sweetness and tolerance. It is also a very useful remedy for children who cannot sit still, or who fuss and whine.
Star of Bethlehem ( Healing Herbs ) - Star of Bethlehem is useful for obtaining psychic and mental healing in cases of trauma experienced in the past, which remained at an unconscious level or has just occurred. Many times we are sad, unhappy and desolate as a result of these traumas which remain trapped within us and, if not reworked, cause a sense of paralysis and latent pain. Star of Bethlehem is highly healing and brings back vitality, mental clarity and a sense of a joyful new beginning. It is very useful in therapies where traumas and the dark sides of the personality need to be addressed.
To prepare these products, Natur has chosen to use ionized alkaline water , a powerful natural antioxidant. Thanks to the exclusive harmonization process, all previous memories are erased. This results in pure, healthy and living water, ready to enhance the vibrational energy of the added essences. The alcoholic base used is Organic French Brandy at 40° (Alcohol 13.3% vol.) certified by Ecocert . Alcohol also serves as a preservative for the added essences which, in this way, will keep their energy unaltered.
It is recommended to take 4 drops 4 times a day, sublingually, holding them under the tongue for a few moments. In times of greatest need, administration can be done more closely. Please remember that frequency, more than quantity, increases and strengthens the effect. The remedies can also be taken as an external application (creams, massage oils) or by adding a dozen drops to the bath water.
Vibrational remedies have no contraindications or unwanted effects, they are suitable for all ages from the oldest to the youngest.
Small precautions are recommended:
• Shake the bottle slightly before taking.
• Keep away from electromagnetic radiation (TV, computers, cell phones, etc.)
• Take at least 15 minutes away from meals, liqueurs, coffee, tea, strong flavourings, use of toothpastes and similar, cigarettes.
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