Bhattacharya Single Essence - Topaz (Light Blue Color) 15 ml

Bhattacharya Single Essence - Topaz (Light Blue Color) 15 ml

Bhattacharya Single Essence - Topaz (Light Blue Color) 15 ml

Endocrine regulating action. Slimming action.

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Despite being in the color spectrum of cold stones such as Diamond and Emerald, Topaz emits warm rays, which correspond to the element Ether and the Dosha Vayu. It is dominated by the planet Jupiter, the star of luck and expansion, and is related to the VI chakra (Ajna). Topaz emits the blue frequency and regulates hearing: if we observe the tragus or upper tip of the patient's ear through a prism, we can notice the presence of the blue color.

The body systems dominated by this gem are the adipose tissue and the glands (lymphatic and endocrine). Topaz has an effective slimming action: it accelerates metabolism and lipolysis, and reduces appetite.

Also having an endocrine regulating action, the remedy is recommended in cases of obesity associated with reduced thyroid activity or ovarian imbalances. Topaz is also used in all cases of thyroid goiter, pituitary diseases, pancreatic and prostate diseases. It also acts with excellent results in many respiratory and lymph glandular diseases: whooping cough, colds, adenoiditis, tonsillitis, mumps. In these cases, a differential diagnosis of soil with Sapphire and Pearl may be necessary. Usually, however, Pearl is more suitable in cases of cough, bronchitis, asthma, fever and flu, while Sapphire acts better on pharyngo-laryngitis. However, when the therapists deem it necessary, they can also join.

An alternative formula to Topaz for the treatment of angina and recurrent tonsillitis is BY: it is effective in almost 90% of cases. It can be administered in the most resistant cases, in two-month cycles, to be repeated in the following two years in the winter period.


Dosage: take the concentrated stock essence, 4 drops sublingually 4 times a day. Check the body's physical response every 15/20 days. Keep away from electromagnetic sources such as TV, cell phones, computers.

25 Items

Endocrine regulating action. Slimming action.

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