Korte animal essences - Rhinoceros 15 ml
PHI Essences
Korte animal essences - Ibex 15 ml
The ibex connects us with the highest spirituality, where we develop a clear trust in God.
By facing our shadow, we can better understand things like death or loss, old age or illness. Sometimes, the ibex doesn't choose the easiest path in life, instead taking the steep, rocky one. It takes us through the ups and downs of our lives and helps us develop our inner worth. The ibex connects us with the highest spirituality, where we develop a clear trust in God.
On a bodily level : here, the essence of ibex helps us take things more easily. It helps us release internal tensions and rigidities that may have formed due to extremely responsible and hard behavior with ourselves. It also helps to relax the face and muscle tension, which could have appeared as a result of excessive discipline and too much desire to work. It helps us stand within and strengthen our spine and joints, when, due to our warrior behavior, we have been too hard on ourselves or when material things weigh too much. It connects us to the Earth and strengthens the joints of the feet and knees. We become more flexible and free.
On an emotional level: ibex helps us develop greater discipline and be able to persevere. It strengthens our self-confidence, our will, our tenacity and our willingness to work so that we can carry out our action on our own. Furthermore, it can help us live with more joy and lightness in our lives. We learn that life doesn't always have to be a struggle and we can also let things flow. We learn to take things more easily and when we interact with other people, we reach out to them gently.
On a spiritual level: ibex live in the highest mountainous regions where people feel united with the earth and the sky. It gives us security and firmness. We learn to maintain internal balance between above and below; we learn to develop a higher vision of things. We learn that the matter should be at our service and not the other way around.
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