Korte sea essences - Dolphin 15 ml

Dolphin 15ml
Korte sea essences - Dolphin 15 ml
Dolphin 15ml
Korte sea essences - Dolphin 15 ml

Korte sea essences - Dolphin 15 ml

Purification and Universal Love

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Delph® was first prepared on December 22, 1991 and was the first Dolphin Essence in the world.

The essence is created through a quartz crystalline matrix that collects the energy of free dolphins in the sea.

Delph® is an extraordinary essence . It has very high vibrations that act simultaneously on all our chakras and energy centers, harmonizing them, purifying them and reactivating the entire physical and subtle energy system.

The dolphin's message is one of universal love. It gives us the love that we lack due to separation at birth and makes us feel like we are part of the Whole again.

It is an excellent essence for harmonization during pregnancy and childbirth . It promotes brain activity and has proven to be an effective aid for children suffering from ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

The dolphins' message is of unconditional love. Just like an offshore encounter with dolphins, this essence opens the Heart Chakra so that we experience the Oneness of life and the interrelatedness of all living things.

Delph® encourages vital energy and self-confidence . Fears and limitations can be released more easily.

Delph® exerts a powerful purifying effect on both the physical body, composed of 80% water, and the mental, emotional and spiritual body.

It can also be used to purify the energy of wells, canals, rivers, lakes and seas: its wide-ranging action reactivates the energy of the waters.

Water activation with Delph®:

We can improve water quality by using Delph®. The powerful vibrations of this essence (approx. 15,000 hertz) are transferred to the water molecules , increasing their energy frequency . It has been observed that impurities and particles dissolved in treated water settle more quickly.

Take some glass bottles. Put 30% brandy, add a few drops of Delph® and fill them with fresh natural water (not purified). Close hermetically.

Recommended dilution:
Add 2 drops in 30ml
Add 3 drops in 100ml
Add 5 drops in 500ml
Add 9 drops in 1000ml

Prepare the dilution hygienically.

Place the bottles in the water you want to purify at a distance of approx. 100m apart. Visualize a column of white light on the water. Remain for a moment listening internally.

The essence will slowly transmit its regenerating message to all the water it encounters. The bottles will remain active for a period of approximately 70 years.

NB : In case of strong currents, tie a stone to the bottle with a nylon thread so that both sink.

All PHI Marine Essences are prepared with the original method of the quartz crystalline matrix, respecting animals. Animals participate in the creation of essence only on an energetic level, without physical contact. These essences are pure love of Mother Nature and constitute keys to harmonization with positive and regenerating effects

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Purification and Universal Love

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