Korte sea essences - Whale 15 ml

Whale 15ml
Korte sea essences - Whale 15 ml
Whale 15ml
Korte sea essences - Whale 15 ml

Korte sea essences - Whale 15 ml

*Whale Essence*, as in the case of Delph essence, is prepared thanks to the energy of male pilot whales. It opens our hearts on a profound level. It puts us in touch with the love of Mother Earth.

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This essence is truly powerful and should only be used after doing work with Delph. Therefore, before taking it, it must be tested. Whales are the guardians of knowledge. They are very "serious" but with a sense of paternal love. The essence goes deep into the heart chakra and opens it so that we connect deeply with all life forms on earth. This experience, which may be too much for those who are not ready, reminds us of our role as guardians of the planet and the need to finally live the purpose of our existence.

4 Items

*Whale Essence*, as in the case of Delph essence, is prepared thanks to the energy of male pilot whales. It opens our hearts on a profound level. It puts us in touch with the love of Mother Earth.

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