Korte animal essences - Stork 15 ml

  • -60%
Stork 15 ml
Korte animal essences - Stork 15 ml
Stork 15 ml
Korte animal essences - Stork 15 ml

Korte animal essences - Stork 15 ml

It relieves tension and stress while centering and relaxing us, both physically and mentally

Save 60%
€11.16 €27.90
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PHI Essences
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It relieves tension and stress while centering and relaxing us, both physically and mentally, helping us to have a new, lighter perspective on everything that bothers us. It allows us to activate our inner child, rediscovering its bright and joyful aspect as we see things in a new way.

1 Item

It relieves tension and stress while centering and relaxing us, both physically and mentally

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